Happiness, for some it’s an elusive pursuit of a mirage in the desert – always within sight but just out-of-reach. For others, it seems to come naturally. What makes them different? I came across an article in Forbes that started with people who...
First of all, if today’s post sounds a little wonky, it’s because I am flying solo this week. My wife (aka super-mom) is at boy-scout camp (volunteering) with our son. In addition to being a great wife and mom, she is also my editor, so let me apologize in...
Don’t pay the stupid tax! Mistakes, we all make ’em. But what are the top 10 financial blunders? I think I have made 8 of these mistakes (see below). Doh! I was being stupid in a no stupid zone. Consider your own personal financial journey. Have you made...
Your financial dream; this is the fun part, go ahead and dream, but make sure you dream BIG! Let your imagination go. What do you want your financial future to look like? Does it involve debt? Harassing calls from collectors? Living paycheck-to-paycheck? (that’s...
Do you like to eat? I do; I don’t miss many meals – which is why I gained 14 pounds over this past year and why my doctor gave me a hard time during a recent check-up; I confess this is an area of weakness – especially going out to eat –...
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