be weird

Financial decisions are all around us – they happen almost every day.  I created this blog to share my experiences in hope that you might learn from my successes, as well as my failures.     .       .   Life’s hard – do your research and learn from your mistakes – better yet, learn from others’ mistakes and avoid money pitfalls altogether.  Listen, observe, question, learn, change, repeat.    .     .

Helping others, through personal finance education, is a passion for me.  I am intrigued by how people approach financial decisions (especially millennials); some of these decisions turn out great, and some, well, not so much.   .    .   I’m convinced that most (but not all) financial mistakes can be avoided.  Having said that – we are all human and prone to making poor financial decisions.  Let’s take a journey together and find ways to think smarter about our daily decisions and how they impact our finances.  I want to challenge the way you think about your finances  (agreement is not required).


I don’t claim to have all the answers, but hope this blog will help educate folks about money strategies and insights, as we try to think smarter together.



This blog itself is different.   .   . Blogs generally fall into 2 categories, private and commercial. Private blogs are for close friends and family and are not open to the public; a way to share family photos, memories, etc. with loved ones. Most other blogs are written for the purpose of making money; not that there is anything wrong with that .   .     .

The personal finance blogs that I follow are designed to be a part-time, or even a full-time, occupation for their writer(s) (e.g., The way they make their blog a money-maker is through advertising revenue, product endorsements and commissions from purchases (web traffic on their site). I know it’s a little complicated, but these folks get paid to give you advice. The reason I tell you that – is my blog is neither private nor commercial. It’s open to the public (not private) but isn’t a commercial blog either; actually, I pay extra to remove ads from my blog – so my hobby actually costs me money.   .     . I don’t recommend this particular strategy as a sound way to increase your net worth (insert sarcasm).


I tell you that so you might be skeptical when someone gives you advice or suggests you try a product or service – what is their motivation? Are they unbiased? I have suggested several books and services in my blog; I am not being compensated to promote them.  I sincerely believe in them and am passing along this information in a hope that it might help you too.


This philosophy also applies to my views on politics, religion, etc. I want you to see the truth for yourself – nothing I say or do will change the truth. Remember that a rumor is a mile down the road before truth gets his boots on. Remember, nothing ruins the truth like stretching it. Please don’t confuse preferences (Ford, Chevy, Apple, Android, etc.) with the truth.   In the same way don’t confuse wants and needs.

Be skeptical – ask questions, use critical thinking. I quote the Bible not because I want you to be impressed – I want you to read the Bible for yourself and apply the truth to your own life.   If you have never read it, may I humbly suggest you start with Proverbs.    You can probably live without Jesus, but can you die without him? Just sayin’

Please watch the video below – it’s an excellent commencement speech – trust me – you won’t regret investing the time to watch this short video.