Personal Finance Is a Marathon – It’s A Life Journey
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What the Bible Says About Money

This is so ironic, Jimmy—I just sat down to text you that I had concluded my review of your manuscript this morning.
Jimmy, you really put some time and effort into this project. I was very impressed.
I liked how you blended the time sensitive with the timeless to make it real. And, how you kept a conversational tone throughout.
The flow worked great for me. The redundancies in some of the content were intentional and well-placed; e.g.,budgeting, spending, saving, investing, etc., important tenets of personal finance.
And the homework helped to reinforce on a personal level the key points in the chapters. It also served to break up the text, since you aren’t using any graphics. I especially liked how you used your own personal finance examples to illustrate some of the homework.
Good that you devoted a chapter each to buying a home and a car—expensive gotta haves.
Loved how you interspersed the Bible verses. Even a verse about not co-signing a loan!
It was very apparent that you, like myself, are passionate about personal finance. I tell my students that they will always have a relationship with money. Best to make it a successful one, as there is no separating themselves from it.
Congratulations, Jimmy! Good job. You deserve much success!!

Yes. I agree. But you are willing. And for goodness sake, Jimmy. Please recognize and accept and receive not only what a great writer you are. Which is so few of us can ever claim to be. But you truly, truly have the heart to be a Teacher.
You are so very compassionate. So full of God’s wisdom. So humble. Gentle with critique and redirection. Eager to praise. You are funny and joyful. You are easy to talk to. And you LISTEN. SO FEW people listen. Everyone wants to talk and give advice and tell their story and add their two cents. You listen with your core being.
You give fragrant, gentle, Biblical wisdom when needed, and basic common sense perspectives without making someone feel like a complete idiot for not seeing it themselves. Yes. God is in control. But you have allowed Him to shape your heart and mind for many years. Now it is the time to be an even more influential witness to others in your life.
Not any different than what you have been doing previously. Just a larger group of people to individually impact and positively influence. I am so excited for you!